Spider-Man Family (II) (1-9) (2007-2008)
Series No. Date Year Title
Spider-Man Family 1 April 2007 Back in Black Tie-in: Homesick
Bad Luck (Mini Marvels)
Catfight (Black Cat, Hellcat)
The breakfast (Mini Marvels; Reprint from Marvel Adventures The Avengers #6)
Sand blasted (Reprint from Untold Tales of Spider-Man #3)
Making a snowman (Mini Marvels; Reprint from Exiles (I) #91)
He who laughs last...! (Reprint from The Amazing Spider-Man (I) #176)
Giant-Girl (Mini Marvels)
A new assassin from beast road (Spider-Man J)
Spider-Man Family 2 June 2007 Back in Black Tie-in: Undone
Building a better Lizard
Goblin in the middle (Reprint from The Amazing Spider-Man (I) #177)
The boneyard hop! (Reprint from The Amazing Spider-Man (I) #347)
The deadly swarm of Wasperus! (Spider-Man J)
Spider-Man Family 3 August 2007 Electrical problems! (Fantastic Four; Spider-Man)
Namesake (Scorpion II, Venom III; Scorpion II fights Venom III (former Scorpion) for the name; story takes place just before the events depicted Civil War: Changing Sides)
What if Spider-Man had joined the Fantastic Four? (Fantastic Four, Spider-Man; Reprint from What if? (I) #1)
The bigger they are... (Spider-Man J)
Hulk date (Avengers, Hulk, Elisabeth Ross-Banner, Thing, X-Men, Mini Marvels; Reprint from The Irredeemable Ant-Man #9)
Spider-Man Family 4 October 2007

Tales of the Puppet Master! (Puppet Master)

The Producers (Spider-Man, Agents of Atlas)

The real thing (Reprint from Mary Jane #1)
Green grows the Goblin! (Reprint from The Amazing Spider-Man (I) #178)

Terror in the skies (Spider-Man J)

Spider-Man Family 5 December 2007

- (Spider-Man, Dr. Strange)

Big Game (Kraven, Man-Wolf, Spider-Man)

The Goblin's always greener...! (Reprint from The Amazing Spider-Man (I) #179)
The spider and the sorcerer! (Reprint from Marvel Team-Up (I) #21)

Enter...Elektra! (Spider-Man J)

Spider-Man Family 6 February 2008 It’s not easy being green (Spider-Man I, Thor I)
Endangered (Spider-Man, Ka-Zar, Zabu)
Who was that Goblin i saw you with? (Reprint from The Amazing Spider-Man (I) #180)

Have yourself a Sandman little Christmas! (Reprint from Marvel Team-Up (I) #1)

Vanishing Spots (Spider-Man J)

Spider-Man Family 7 April 2008 Looter's Quest (The Looter)
Dark soul drifting (Reprint from Venom: Lethal Protector #1)
Focus (Reprint from Spider-Man: Death and Destiny #1)

The Moth and the Flame (Spider-Man J)

Spider-Man Family 8 June 2008 - (Spider-Man, Iron Man)
With friends like these (Spider-Man, Thing, Iceman)
War and pieces! (Reprint from Venom: Lethal Protector #2)
The camera doesn't lie (Reprint from Spider-Man: Death and Destiny #2)

The Gravity of Situation (Spider-Man J)

Spider-Man Family 9 August 2008 The guy who turns into the Hulk (Spider-Man, Marvel Girl, Hulk)
A verdict of violence (Reprint from Venom: Lethal Protector #3)
Deja vu all over again (Reprint from Spider-Man: Death and Destiny #3)

Impending Doom (Spider-Man J; to be continued in Amazing Spider-Man Family #1)