Marvel Adventures The Avengers (I) (1-39) (2006-2009)
Series No. Date Year Title
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 1 July 2006 The replacements
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 2 August 2006 The leader has a big head
- (Mini Marvels)
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 3 September 2006 Finding Zemo
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 4 October 2006 The Masters of Evil or... too many chiefs... not enough braves
The Couch (Mini Marvels)
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 5 November 2006 The Trickster and the Wrecker
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 6 December 2006 The U-Foes!
- (Mini Marvels)
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 7 January 2007 Like a Juggernaut!
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 8 February 2007 Loki laughs last
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 9 March 2007 A not so beautiful mind
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 10 April 2007 Medieval women
Molecular Mayhem (Franklin Benjamin Richards)
Making a snowman (Mini Marvels; Reprint from Exiles (I) #91)
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 11 May 2007 High Serpent Society
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 12 June 2007 Ego the loving planet
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 13 July 2007 Attack of the 50 foot girl!
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 14 August 2007 The avenging seven
Hulk Date (Mini Marvels; Reprint from The Irredeemable Ant-Man #9)
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 15 October 2007 Bringers of the storm
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 16 November 2007 Even a Hawkeye can cry!
Passing the Torch 3/5: Torchin' the Avengers (Avengers, Human Torch, Mini Marvels; Reprint from The Irredeemable Ant-Man #12)
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 17 December 2007 It was a dark and stormy night...
Passing the Torch 3/5: Torchin' the Avengers (Mini Marvels; Reprint from The Irredeemable Ant-Man #12)
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 18 January 2008 With the Gods against us
The Iron Avengers 1/15: There's an Iron Jerk in the Tech Room (Avengers, Elephant Steve, Mini Marvels; Reprint from Iron Man and Power Pack #1)
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 19 February 2008 Walk Tall
The Iron Avengers 8/15: Iron Thor doth wear baggy pants (Thor, Mini Marvels; Reprint from Iron Man and Power Pack #2)
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 20 March 2008 A Mountain from an Anthill
The Iron Avengers 12/15: Putting Ka-Zar in Armor (Iron Man, Ka-Zar, Mini Marvels; Reprint from Iron Man and Power Pack #3)
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 21 April 2008 From Russia... with hate!
The Iron Avengers 13/15: Has anybody seen my Armor (Avengers, Mini Marvels; Reprint from Iron Man and Power Pack #4)
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 22 May 2008 Wakanda Wild Side!
Mini Marvels Classics (Mini Marvels)
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 23 June 2008 New Avengers
Mini Marvels Classics (Mini Marvels)
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 24 July 2008 Don't be hatin'
Conspicuous Invasion 1/16: Earth Season Three (Skrulls, Mini Marvels; Reprint from Skrulls vs. Power Pack #1)
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 30 January 2009 The lady and the Tigra
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 36 July 2009 Which wish?
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 38 September 2009 Ms. Isaacson's third grade field trip
Marvel Adventures The Avengers 39 October 2009 Don't follow the Leader