Marvel Movie Adaptions and Supplements

Howard the Duck (1986)

Howard the Duck: The Movie (1986-1987)
The Punisher Movie Comic (1989)

The Punisher Movie Comic TPB (1989)
The Punisher Movie Special (1990)
Captain America: The Movie Special (1992)

X-Men The Movie (DelRay) (2000)

X-Men Movie Prequel: Magneto (2000)

X-Men Movie Prequel: Rogue (2000)

X-Men Movie Prequel: Wolverine (2000)

X-Men Movie Adaption (2000)

Blade 2 TPB (2002)
Blade 2: Movie Adaptation (2002)

Behind the Mask of Spider-Man: The Secrets of the Movie (DelRay) (2002)

The Official Spider-Man Movie Magazine (Titan Magazines) (2002)

Spider-Man: The Movie TPB (2002)
Spider-Man: The Official Movie Adaptation (2002)
Daredevil: The Movie (2003)

X2: The Movie TPB (2003)

X-Men 2 Prequel: Nightcrawler (2003)

X-Men 2 Prequel: Wolverine (2003)

X-Men 2 Movie (2003)

Hulk Movie Adaptation TPB (2003)

Hulk: The Movie Adaptation (2003)

Punisher: Countdown (DVD Special) (2004)
Punisher: The Movie TPB (2004)
Punisher: Official Movie Adaptation (2004)

Man-Thing (IV) (Movie Prequel) (2004)

Spider-Man 2: The Movie (2004)
Spider-Man 2: The Movie TPB (2004)

Blade: Nightstalking (DVD Special) (2005)
Elektra: On the Rise (2005)

Elektra: The Movie (2005)
Elektra: The Movie TPB (2005)

Fantastic Four The Making of the Movie (2005)

Fantastic Four: The Movie (2005)

Fantastic Four: The Movie TPB (2005)
X-Men: The Last Stand (DVD Special) (2006)

The Spider-Man Chronicles The Art and Making of Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Spider-Man 3 Movie Prequel (2007)

Spider-Man: The Movie (Columbia Pictures) (2009)

Marvel Spotlight: Punisher Movie (2009)

Daredevil: The Movie TPB (2011)

Amazing Spider-Man: The Movie (2012)

Amazing Spider-Man: The Movie TPB (2012)

The Amazing Spider-Man: The Movie Adaptation (2014)

Amazing Spider-Man Cinematic Infinite Comic (Infinte Comic) (2014)



X-Men Movie Special Premiere Prequel Edition (Toys'R'Us Giveaway) (2000)


See also:
Marvel Cinematic Universe (Marvel Studios)

Movie Adaptations