Solo Avengers (I) (1-20) (1987-1989)
Series No. Date Year Title
Solo Avengers 1 December 1987 Here comes Hawkeye (Hawkeye)
Listen to the Mockingbird (Mockingbird)
Solo Avengers 2 January 1988 The way of the arrow (Hawkeye)
Out of control (Captain Marvel II)
Solo Avengers 3 February 1988 An american archer in Paris (Hawkeye)
Tower of shadows (Moon Knight)
Solo Avengers 4 March 1988 The great escape! (Hawkeye)
Knight's errant (Black Knight)
Solo Avengers 5 April 1988 When arrows fail! (Hawkeye)
A love that never dies (Scarlet Witch)
Solo Avengers 6 May 1988 Algeria is for archers (Hawkeye)
Scattered lives (Falcon)
Solo Avengers 7 June 1988 Hijacked! (Hawkeye)
The token (Black Widow)
Solo Avengers 8 July 1988 Blind justice (Hawkeye)
Another word for revenge (Doctor Pym)
Solo Avengers 9 August 1988 In the service of Justice (Hawkeye)
Memoirs (Hellcat)
Solo Avengers 10 September 1988 The sinking of Los Angeles (Hawkeye)
Token sacrifice (Doctor Druid)
Solo Avengers 11 October 1988 The menance of the Mind-Melder! (Hawkeye)
A farewell -- with arms (Hercules)
Solo Avengers 12 November 1988 When the Abomination comes a'calling! (Hawkeye)
Love stings (Yellowjacket)
Solo Avengers 13 December 1988 Beware the Bullet Biker!! (Hawkeye)
The fall guy (Wonder Man)
Solo Avengers 14 January 1989 When the Widow calls! (Hawkeye, Black Widow)
Court costs! (She-Hulk)
Solo Avengers 15 February 1989 The awesome Attackoid! (Hawkeye, Black Widow, Mockingbird)
Ronin on empty (Wasp)
Solo Avengers 16 March 1989 The sinister secret of Sodam (Hawkeye, Black Widow, Mockingbird)
Seconds (Moondragon)
Solo Avengers 17 April 1989 Even an Octopus needs arms! (Hawkeye, Sandman)
Greed (Sub-Mariner)
Solo Avengers 18 May 1989 When you wish upon a star! (Hawkeye, Texas Twister)
Will you won't you will you won't you--? (Moondragon)
Solo Avengers 19 June 1989 Desert doom (Hawkeye)
The vanities of Philip Whitehead (Black Panther)
Solo Avengers 20 July 1989 Veg out (Hawkeye)
The sun and the moon! (Moondragon)