Marvel Spotlight (I) (1-33) (1971-1977)
Series No. Date Year Title
Marvel Spotlight 22 June 1975 Journey into himself! (Son of Satan)
Marvel Spotlight 25 December 1975 The seventh voyage of Sinbad! (Sinbad; Freely adapted from the screenplay by Kenneth Kolb)
Marvel Spotlight 26 February 1976 Death waters of the River Styx (Scarecrow)
Marvel Spotlight 27 April 1976 Death is the Symbiotic Man! (Sub-Mariner)
Marvel Spotlight 30 October 1976 A night on the town! (Warriors Three)
Marvel Spotlight 31 December 1976 Assignment: The Infinity Formula! (Nicholas Joseph Fury)
Marvel Spotlight 33 April 1977 (Don't fear) the Reaper! (Deathlok)