Marvel Comics Presents (I) (1-175) (1988-1995)
Series No. Date Year Title
Marvel Comics Presents 1 Early September 1988 Save the Tiger 1/10: The good guy (Wolverine)
Elements of Terror 1/12 (Man-Thing)
Crossing Lines 1/8: Ripples (Master of Kung-Fu)
Fear itself (Silver Surfer)
Marvel Comics Presents 2 Mid September 1988 Save the Tiger 2/10: The bad guy (Wolverine)
Elements of Terror 2/12: First witness (Man-Thing)
Crossing Lines 2/8: Bait (Master of Kung-Fu)
The Cold War (Captain)
Marvel Comics Presents 3 Late September 1988 Save the Tiger 3/10: The gals (Wolverine)
Elements of Terror 3/12: Ritual and belief (Man-Thing)
Crossing Lines 3/8: Fish (Master of Kung-Fu)
The measure of a man (Thing)
Marvel Comics Presents 4 Early October 1988 Save the Tiger 4/10: The ordeal (Wolverine)
Elements of Terror 4/12: Rage and design (Man-Thing)
Crossing Lines 4/8: Water (Master of Kung-Fu)
Silent thunder (Thor)
Marvel Comics Presents 5 Late October 1988 Save the Tiger 5/10: The rescue (Wolverine)
Elements of Terror 5/12: God and country (Man-Thing)
Crossing Lines 5/8: Lures (Master of Kung-Fu)
You'll see it when you believe (Daredevil)
Marvel Comics Presents 6 Early November 1988 Save the Tiger 6/10: Things get bad (Wolverine)
Elements of Terror 6/12: The horrors within (Man-Thing)
Crossing Lines 6/8: Shoals (Master of Kung-Fu)
Risky business (Hulk)
Marvel Comics Presents 7 Late November 1988 Save the Tiger 7/10: Things get worse (Wolverine)
Elements of Terror 7/12: Boxes (Man-Thing)
Crossing Lines 7/8: Hooks (Master of Kung-Fu)
From sea to deadly sea (Sub-Mariner)
Marvel Comics Presents 8 Early December 1988 Save the Tiger 8/10: The fight (Wolverine)
Elements of Terror 8/12: Prisoners (Man-Thing)
Crossing Lines 8/8: Kills (Master of Kung-Fu)
One day at a time (Iron Man)
Marvel Comics Presents 9 Late December 1988 Save the Tiger 9/10: The confrontation (Wolverine)
Elements of Terror 9/12: Breaking faith (Man-Thing)
In the dark (Cloak)
A piece of cake (El Aguila)
Marvel Comics Presents 10 Early January 1989 Save the Tiger 10/10: The resolution (Wolverine)
Elements of Terror 10/12: Freedom fighters (Man-Thing)
Machine Man meets the F.F. (Machine Man)
God's Country 1/8: Eating american pie (Colossus)
Marvel Comics Presents 11 Late January 1989 God's Country 2/8: Cold warriors (Colossus)
Elements of Terror 11/12: Perception and actuality (Man-Thing)
Drain storm (Ant-Man)
Over and over (Slag)
Marvel Comics Presents 12 Early February 1989 God's Country 3/8: Iron curtains (Colossus)
Elements of Terror 12/12: The conclusion (Man-Thing)
Noble fathers have noble sons (Hercules)
Spring break (Namorita)
Marvel Comics Presents 13 Late February 1989 God's Country 4/8: Draw the lines (Colossus)
Panther's Quest 1/25: A rumor of life (Black Panther)
Reed's on the roof and we can't get him down (Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman)
A tooth for a tooth (Shanna)
Marvel Comics Presents 14 Early March 1989 God's Country 5/8: The secret is there's no secret (Colossus)
Panther's Quest 2/25: Forgotten corpses (Black Panther)
The feathered felon (Speedball)
Angel in the snow (Nomad)
Marvel Comics Presents 15 Late March 1989 God's Country 6/8: Bondage (Colossus)
Panther's Quest 3/25: Lost blood in copper dust (Black Panther)
The maiden Phoenix (Marvel Girl)
Desert tears (Red Wolf)
Marvel Comics Presents 16 Early April 1989 God's Country 7/8: One hand washes... (Colossus)
Panther's Quest 4/25: The man who loved sunrise (Black Panther)
Dreamwalk (Longshot)
This is a Savage Land (Ka-Zar)
Marvel Comics Presents 17 Late April 1989 God's Country 8/8: Fit to print (Colossus)
Panther's Quest 5/25: Reasonable force (Black Panther)
Do you see what I see? (Watcher)
The Retribution Affair 1/8: Blinded by the light (Cyclops)
Marvel Comics Presents 18 Early May 1989 The Retribution Affair 2/8: Plague in the night (Cyclops)
Panther's Quest 6/25: Naked exposures (Black Panther)
X-mas tease (She-Hulk)
A Christmas card (Willie Lumpkin)
Marvel Comics Presents 19 May 1989 The Retribution Affair 3/8: The price of retribution (Cycops)
Panther's Quest 7/25: Battered artifacts (Black Panther)
Nightmare in Suburbia 1/2: Home is where the heart is (Dr. Strange)
Overture (Damage Control)
Marvel Comics Presents 20 May 1989 The Retribution Affair 4/8: Conscience of the king (Cyclops)
Panther's Quest 8/25: Hatred under tears (Black Panther)
Nightmare in Suburbia 2/2: The flawed flesh (Dr. Strange)
At the bottom of my garden (Clea)
Marvel Comics Presents 21 June 1989 The Retribution Affair 5/8: Best laid plans (Cyclops)
Panther's Quest 9/25: Justifiable action (Black Panther)
Let's take it from where I swing in and rescue you (Paladin)
The first cut (Thing)
Marvel Comics Presents 22 Late June 1989 The Retribution Affair 6/8: Alliance of convenience (Cyclops)
Panther's Quest 10/25: Personal risk (Black Panther)
Suffer a wolf to live (Wolfsbane, Mirage)
New worlds to conquer (Starfox)
Marvel Comics Presents 23 Early July 1989 The Retribution Affair 7/8: Mind your conscience (Cyclops)
Panther's Quest 11/25: The official version (Black Panther)
The forest for the trees (Falcon)
Lady Jane (Wheels of Wolfpack)
Marvel Comics Presents 24 Late July 1989 The Retribution Affair 8/8: Retribution and resurrection (Cyclops)
Panther's Quest 12/25: Voices heard, voices ignored (Black Panther)
I haven't got time for the pain (Shamrock)
Pharaoh's Legacy 1/8: A change of heart (Havok)
Marvel Comics Presents 25 Early August 1989 Pharaoh's Legacy 2/8: A heart reborn (Havok)
Panther's Quest 13/25: A right to kill (Black Panther)
From little acorns grow (Nth Man)
Sophia (Ursa Major)
Marvel Comics Presents 26 Late August 1989 Pharaoh's Legacy 3/8: A heart on fire (Havok)
Panther's Quest 14/25: Somebody's going to pay (Black Panther)
Rise and Shine 1/10: New York (Coldblood)
Splashdown (Hulk)
Marvel Comics Presents 27 Early September 1989 Pharaoh's Legacy 4/8: A heart unleashed (Havok)
Panther's Quest 15/25: Last night I wept for freedom (Black Panther)
Rise and Shine 2/10: The funhouse (Coldblood)
Just another shade of hate (American Eagle)
Marvel Comics Presents 28 Late September 1989 Pharaoh's Legacy 5/8: A heart determined (Havok)
Panther's Quest 16/25: Lost promises (Black Panther)
Rise and Shine 3/10: The complex (Coldblood)
Giving peace a chance (Triton)
Marvel Comics Presents 29 Early October 1989 Pharaoh's Legacy 6/8: A heart beaten (Havok)
Panther's Quest 17/25: Lost promises (Black Panther)
Rise and Shine 4/10: The strip (Coldblood)
It came from within (Quasar)
Marvel Comics Presents 30 Late October 1989 Pharaoh's Legacy 7/8: A heart defeated (Havok)
Panther's Quest 18/25: So many nameless enemies (Black Panther)
Rise and Shine 5/10: Room seven (Coldblood)
The temper of a god (Leir)
Marvel Comics Presents 31 Early November 1989 Pharaoh's Legacy 8/8: A heart attacked (Havok)
Panther's Quest 19/25: Chances (Black Panther)
Rise and Shine 6/10: Operating theater (Coldblood)
Having a Wild Weekend 1/8: Having a wild weekend (Excalibur)
Marvel Comics Presents 32 Late November 1989 Having a Wild Weekend 2/8: Dark shadows (Excalibur)
Panther's Quest 20/25: Great cat in the city of gold (Black Panther)
Rise and Shine 7/10: Grand Central Station (Coldblood)
The dreaded deadline doom (Sunfire)
Marvel Comics Presents 33 November 1989 Having a Wild Weekend 3/8: One flew over the cuckoo's nest (Excalibur)
Panther's Quest 21/25: Losing control (Black Panther)
Rise and Shine 8/10: The maze (Coldblood)
Dying in paradise (Sub-Mariner)
Marvel Comics Presents 34 Late December 1989 Having a Wild Weekend 4/8: Like a housewife (Excalibur)
Panther's Quest 22/25: Saying goodbye (Black Panther)
Rise and Shine 9/10: The battlefield (Coldblood)
Past and present sins (Captain America)
Marvel Comics Presents 35 Mid November 1989 Having a Wild Weekend 5/8: A day at the circus (Excalibur)
Panther's Quest 23/25: Barriers (Black Panther)
Rise and Shine 10/10: The killing ground (Coldblood)
Gods r'us (Her)
Marvel Comics Presents 36 December 1989 Having a Wild Weekend 6/8: Keep (Excalibur)
Panther's Quest 24/25: Opponents (Black Panther)
Encounter in the alley of death (Hellcat)
Marvel Comics Presents 37 Late December 1989 Having a Wild Weekend 7/8: Dragondamsel in distress (Excalibur)
Panther's Quest 25/25: Dawn reunion (Black Panther)
To slay the devil (Devil-Slayer)
Marvel Comics Presents 38 Mid December 1989 Having a Wild Weekend 8/8: There's no place like home (Excalibur)
Stardust Miseries 1/8: Something in the air (Wonder Man)
Art for art's sake (Hulk)
Black Shadow White Shadow 1/10: The killing ground (Wolverine)
Marvel Comics Presents 39 January 1989 Black Shadow White Shadow 2/10: The shadows strike (Wolverine)
Stardust Miseries 2/8: Tonight's the night (Wonder Man)
All in the Family 1/3: Mother's Day (Hercules)
With liberty and justice for all (Spider-Man)
Marvel Comics Presents 40 Mid January 1989 Black Shadow White Shadow 3/10: Hong Kong inferno (Wolverine)
Stardust Miseries 3/8: Some enchanted evening (Wonder Man)
All in the Family 2/3: The hit (Hercules)
Anything (Overmind)
Marvel Comics Presents 41 January 1990 Black Shadow White Shadow 4/10: China beachhead (Wolverine)
Stardust Miseries 4/8: With a vengeance (Wonder Man)
All in the Family 3/3: Long live the king (Hercules)
Forced fed (Freedom Force)
Marvel Comics Presents 42   1990 Black Shadow White Shadow 5/10: Village of blood (Wolverine)
Stardust Miseries 5/8: She belongs to me (WonderMan)
The establishment (Union Jack)
Armed and dangerous (Daughters of the Dragon)
Marvel Comics Presents 43   1990 Black Shadow White Shadow 6/10: Haven (Wolverine)
Stardust Miseries 6/8: Something in the way she moves (Wonder Man)
Donovan's brains (Iron Man)
Hello, little girl, is your father home? (Siryn)
Marvel Comics Presents 44   1990 Black Shadow White Shadow 7/10: Blood craze (Wolverine)
Stardust Miseries 7/8: Wipeout (Wonder Man)
Trashed (Dr. Strange)
And not a drop to drink (Puma)
Marvel Comics Presents 45   1990 Black Shadow White Shadow 8/10: Origins (Wolverine)
Stardust Miseries 8/8: Reach for the stars (Wonder Man)
The main event (Hulk)
Bang bang, shoot shoot (Shooting Star)
Marvel Comics Presents 46   1990 Black Shadow White Shadow 9/10: Assault (Wolverine)
Lost Souls 1/4: Adrift (Devil-Slayer)
A gift of death (Aquarian)
The eye that sees (Sub-Mariner)
Marvel Comics Presents 47   1990 Black Shadow White Shadow 10/10: Shadows in the light (Wolverine)
Lost Souls 2/4: Words of peace, deeds of war (Devil-Slayer)
Old glories (Captain America)
A father's love (Arabian Knight)
Marvel Comics Presents 48   1990 Life's End 1/3: Fist fight (Wolverine, Spider-Man)
Lost Souls 3/4: Death consequences (Devil-Slayer)
Object (Wasp)
When it rains (Dr. Doom, Storm)
Marvel Comics Presents 49   1990 Life's End 2/3: Child's play (Wolverine, Spider-Man)
Lost Souls 4/4: The end of Devil Slayer (Devil-Slayer)
White messiah (Daredevil)
The unbeatable foe (Gladiator)
Marvel Comics Presents 50   1990 Life's End 3/3: Breaking point (Wolverine, Spider-Man)
A Family Affair 1/4 (Comet Man)
I just flew in from Poughkeepsie and boy are my arms (Captain Ultra)
You can't go home again (Silver Surfer)
Marvel Comics Presents 51   1990 Wilding 1/3: Face-off (Wolverine)
A Family Affair 2/4: Bad blood (Comet Man)
The other way out (Iron Man)
The straight approach (Le Peregrine)
Marvel Comics Presents 52   1990 Wilding 2/3: The first cut is the deepest (Wolverine)
A Family Affair 3/4: Reunion (Comet Man)
Last resort (Rick Jones)
Kids will be kids (Hulk)
Marvel Comics Presents 53   1990 Wilding 3/3: Animals under the skin (Wolverine)
A Family Affair 4/4: Final jeopardy (Comet Man)
Family Matters 1/4: Brotherly love (Stingray)
Heads I win, tales you lose (Black Widow, Silver Sable)
Marvel Comics Presents 54   1990 On the Road 1/8: The long and winding road (Wolverine, Hulk)
Children of the Night 1/6: The moon is a harsh mistress (Werewolf)
Family Matters 2/4: Confrontation (Stingray)
The dark light of Kali (Shroud)
Marvel Comics Presents 55   1990 On the Road 2/8: With friends like these (Wolverine, Hulk)
Children of the Night 2/6: The gathering storm (Werewolf)
Family Matters 3/4: Pursuit (Stingray)
The sons of Mary Tao-Yu (Collective Man)
Marvel Comics Presents 56 August 1990 On the Road 3/8: Shoot out at the fantasy factory (Wolverine, Hulk)
Children of the Night 3/6: Trail of blood (Werewolf)
Family Matters 4/4: Brotherly love (Stingray)
Any number can play (Speedball)
Marvel Comics Presents 57 August 1990 On the Road 4/8: Death don't have no mercy (Wolverine, Hulk)
Children of the Night 4/6: Leader of the pack (Werewolf)
Neptune's Eye 1/3: Strange visitors (Sub-Mariner)
The crown jewel caper (Black Cat)
Marvel Comics Presents 58 September 1990 On the Road 5/8: You can run... but you can't hide (Wolverine, Hulk)
Children of the Night 5/6: Communion (Werewolf)
Neptune's Eye 2/3: The old man in the sea (Sub-Mariner)
Neutralizing effects (Iron Man)
Marvel Comics Presents 59 September 1990 On the Road 6/8: Old friends (Wolverine, Hulk)
Children of the Night 6/6: Reborn to be wild (Werewolf)
Neptune's Eye 3/3: Sending them home (Sub-Mariner)
The real thing (Punisher)
Marvel Comics Presents 60 October 1990 On the Road 7/8: Top of the world (Wolverine, Hulk)
Vandals of the Heart 1/8: Hate dancer (Poison)
Seperate Lives 1/4: Yesterdays (Scarlet Witch)
The American way (Captain America)
Marvel Comics Presents 61 October 1990 On the Road 8/8: Instant karma (Wolverine, Hulk)
Vandals of the Heart 2/8: High horror (Poison)
Seperate Lives 2/4: A pirate's life for me (Scarlet Witch)
The librarian (Dr. Strange)
Marvel Comics Presents 62 November 1990 Sign of the Beast 1/2: The quest of Abdul Alhazred (Wolverine)
Vandals of the Heart 3/8: Intimate assassins (Poison)
Seperate Lives 3/4: You shouldn't live in the past (Scarlet Witch)
Test run (Deathlok)
Marvel Comics Presents 63 November 1990 Sign of the Beast 2/2: Prey (Wolverine)
Vandals of the Heart 4/8: Painkillers (Poison)
Seperate Lives 4/4: Clouds of vengeance (Scarlet Witch)
Norse blood (Thor)
Marvel Comics Presents 64   1990 Acts of Vengeance 1/8: Ghosts of the past (Wolverine, Ghost Rider II)
Vandals of the Heart 5/8: Injuries (Poison)
Dark Dimensions 1/5: Common sense (Fantastic Four)
Vampires (Blade)
Marvel Comics Presents 65   1990 Acts of Vengeance 2/8: Claw and chain (Wolverine, Ghost Rider II)
Vandals of the Heart 6/8: Reparation (Poison)
Dark Dimensions 2/5: The interview (Fantastic Four)
Wang dang doodle (Starfox)
Marvel Comics Presents 66   1990 Acts of Vengeance 3/8: Dancing in the dark (Wolverine, Ghost Rider II)
Vandals of the Heart 7/8: Fools rush in (Poison)
Dark Dimensions 3/5: The Thing's in the basement (Fantastic Four)
The thief of Asgard (Volstagg)
Marvel Comics Presents 67   1990 Acts of Vengeance 4/8: Uneasy alliance (Wolverine, Ghost Rider II)
Vandals of the Heart 8/8: Reciprocity (Poison)
Dark Dimensions 4/5: The web (Fantastic Four)
Slow burn (Spider-Man)
Marvel Comics Presents 68   1991 Acts of Vengeance 5/8: Mutants, ninjas and demons (Wolverine, Ghost Rider II)
Bush of Ghosts 1/10: Hunters (Shanna)
Dark Dimensions 5/5: The web snaps (Fantastic Four)
Sparky the wonder dog (Lockjaw)
Marvel Comics Presents 69   1991 Acts of Vengeance 6/8: Brass tactics (Wolverine, Ghost Rider II)
Bush of Ghosts 2/10: Arrow of gods (Shanna)
Redemption Song 1/4: Hot in the city (Daredevil)
A howling in the void (Silver Surfer)
Marvel Comics Presents 70   1991 Acts of Vengeance 7/8: Confession is good for the soulless (Wolverine, Ghost Rider II)
Bush of Ghosts 3/10: One good soul (Shanna)
Redemption Song 2/4: Summertime blues (Daredevil)
One into three won't go (Dark Star, Starlight, Black Widow)
Marvel Comics Presents 71   1991 Acts of Vengeance 8/8: The end (Wolverine, Ghost Rider)
Bush of Ghosts 4/10: Things fall apart (Shanna)
Redemption Song 3/4: Just a shot away (Daredevil)
Warlock and the fleshtones (Warlock II)
Marvel Comics Presents 72   1991 Weapon X 1/13: Prologue (Wolverine)
Bush of Ghosts 5/10: Ant hills of the Savannah (Shanna)
Redemption Song 4/4: A momentary taste of being (Daredevil)
Flesh of my flesh (Red Wolf)
Marvel Comics Presents 73   1991 Weapon X 2/13: Chapter one (Wolverine)
Bush of Ghosts 6/10: Dance of the forest (Shanna)
The sea enemy (Sub-Mariner)
Sands of time (Black Knight)
Marvel Comics Presents 74   1991 Weapon X 3/13: Chapter two (Wolverine)
Bush of Ghosts 7/10: A man of the people (Shanna)
The freebie (Constrictor)
Absolute zero (Iceman, Torch)
Marvel Comics Presents 75   1991 Weapon X 4/13: Chapter three (Wolverine)
Bush of Ghosts 8/10: Death and the king's horsemen (Shanna)
Charmed lives (Meggan, Shadowcat)
Triumph (Dr. Doom)
Marvel Comics Presents 76   1991 Weapon X 5/13: Chapter four (Wolverine)
Bush of Ghosts 9/10: The living and the dead (Shanna)
The deadliest game (Death's Head)
Lonely at the top (Woodgod)
Marvel Comics Presents 77   1991 Weapon X 6/13: Chapter five (Wolverine)
Bush of Ghosts 10/10: A place in the wilderness (Shanna)
Rumanian Rumble 1/3: Rude awakening (Sgt. Fury, Dracula)
The tides that bind (Sub-Mariner)
Marvel Comics Presents 78   1991 Weapon X 7/13: Chapter six (Wolverine)
Rumanian Rumble 2/3: Rude awakening (Sgt. Fury, Dracula)
Games (Iron Man)
Not interested (Hulk, Selene)
Marvel Comics Presents 79   1991 Weapon X 8/13: Chapter seven (Wolverine)
Rumanian Rumble 3/3: The wages of sin (Sgt. Fury, Dracula)
The tender and the vulgar (Sunspot)
A nightmare on Bleecker Street (Dr. Strange)
Marvel Comics Presents 80   1991 Weapon X 9/13: Chapter eight (Wolverine)
Wargod 1/2: Wargod (Captain America)
Child's play (Daughters of the Dragon)
Fantastic foray (Mr. Fantastic)
Marvel Comics Presents 81   1991 Weapon X 10/13: Chapter nine (Wolverine)
Wargod 2/2: Final blow (Captain America)
Time bomb (Ant-Man II)
The call (Daredevil)
Marvel Comics Presents 82   1991 Weapon X 11/13: Chapter ten (Wolverine)
Life During War Time 1/6: The price of freedom (Firestar)
Making real progress (Iron Man)
Hero in hiding (Power Man)
Marvel Comics Presents 83   1991 Weapon X 12/13: Chapter eleven (Wolverine)
Life During War Time 2/6: Things fall apart (Firestar)
The distance (Hawkeye)
The matchstick and the moth (Human Torch)
Marvel Comics Presents 84   1991 Weapon X 13/13: Chapter twelve (Wolverine)
Life During War Time 3/6: Triangle (Firestar)
Marvel Comics Presents 85   1991 Blood Hungry 1/8: First scent (Wolverine)
Life During War Time 4/6: Fire in the hole (Firestar)
Just Friends 1/8: Professor (Beast)
The dude in the really rad armour (Speedball)
Marvel Comics Presents 86   1991 Blood Hungry 2/8: Two scents worth (Wolverine)
Life During War Time 5/6: True colors (Firestar)
Just Friends 2/8: Drawing stares (Beast)
Take me out to the bomb game (Paladin)
Marvel Comics Presents 87   1991 Blood Hungry 3/8: Three scents worth (Wolverine)
Life During War Time 6/6: Sacrifice (Firestar)
Just Friends 3/8: If this is Tuesday, it must be Belgium (Beast)
To touch the darkness (Shroud)
Marvel Comics Presents 88   1991 Blood Hungry 4/8: Four scents worth (Wolverine)
Just Friends 4/8: Fool for love (Beast)
Hero of the people (Solo)
Shopping (Volcana)
Marvel Comics Presents 89   1991 Blood Hungry 5/8: Five scents worth (Wolverine)
Just Friends 5/8: My pal Mugsy (Beast)
Young blood (Spitfire)
What's wrong with this picture? (Mojo)
Marvel Comics Presents 90   1991 Blood Hungry 6/8: Sixth scents (Wolverine)
Just Friends 6/8: Beast, I'm going to kill you (Beast)
Servants of the Dead 1/8: Life underground (Ghost Rider II, Cable)
Fangu lives (Nightmare)
Marvel Comics Presents 91   1991 Blood Hungry 7/8: Seven (And a half) scents (Wolverine)
Just Friends 7/8: Bring me the head of the Beast (Beast)
Servants of the Dead 2/8: Chase in the dark (Ghost Rider II, Cable)
Truth or Daredevil (Impossible Man)
Marvel Comics Presents 92 1991 Blood Hungry 8/8: Eight scents out (Wolverine)
Just Friends 8/8: Closure (Beast)
Servants of the Dead 3/8: In the cathedral of the dead (Ghost Rider II, Cable)
Separate allies (Northstar)
Marvel Comics Presents 93   1991 Wild Frontier 1/6: Lost horizons (Wolverine)
And Ye Shall Remember this Day 1/4: The precious few (Nova)
Servants of the Dead 4/8: Nothing to fear (Ghost Rider II, Cable)
Split second (Daredevil, Black Widow)
Marvel Comics Presents 94   1991 Wild Frontier 2/6: The backbone of god (Wolverine)
And Ye Shall Remember this Day 2/4: Only the strong shall live (Nova)
Servants of the Dead 5/8: Pursuit (Ghost Rider II, Cable)
Grimm's tale (Thing)
Marvel Comics Presents 95   1991 Wild Frontier 3/6: Tribal instinct (Wolverine)
And Ye Shall Remember this Day 3/4: When darkness summons (Nova)
Servants of the Dead 6/8: Shadows (Ghost Rider II, Cable)
Heroes (Hulk)
Marvel Comics Presents 96   1991 Wild Frontier 4/6: Danger in the hills (Wolverine)
And Ye Shall Remember this Day 4/4: Salvation (Nova)
Servant of the Dead 7/8: The bride (Ghost Rider II, Cable)
Class clown (Speedball)
Marvel Comics Presents 97   1992 Wild Frontier 5/6: Blind fury (Wolverine)
Collision course (Silver Surfer)
Servants of the Dead 8/8: Death's servant (Ghost Rider II, Cable)
Where everyone knows your alias (Bar with no Name)
Marvel Comics Presents 98   1992 Wild Frontier 6/6: Final frontier (Wolverine)
Wild at heart (Werewolf)
D'Spryte Times D'Spryte Measures 1/2 (Ghost Rider II)
Worthy of the name (Gladiator)
Marvel Comics Presents 99   1992 Hauntings (Wolverine)
Razer's edge (Puck)
D'Spryte Times D'Spryte Measures 2/2: Fallen spirits (Ghost Rider II)
Has anybody seen my gal? (Spider-Man)
Marvel Comics Presents 100   1992 Dreams of Doom (Dr. Doom)
Whose nightmare is it anyway? (Ghost Rider II)
Mutant dreams (Wolverine)
Awakenings (Nightmare)
Marvel Comics Presents 101   1992 Male Bonding 1/8: In the center ring (Wolverine, Nightcrawler)
Against a Rogue God 1/9: The gods return (Young Gods)
Doorway to Darkness 1/6: Running (Ghost Rider II, Dr. Strange)
Vices (Punisher)
Marvel Comics Presents 102   1992 Male Bonding 2/8: Wherever we go (Wolverine, Nightcrawler)
Against a Rogue God 2/9: A meeting with the masters (Young Gods)
Doorway to Darkness 2/6: Gathering (Ghost Rider II, Dr. Strange)
Stunt show (Phantom Rider)
Marvel Comics Presents 103   1992 Male Bonding 3/8: Whatever we do (Wolverine, Nightcrawler)
Against a Rogue God 3/9: Killers in the rain (Young Gods)
Doorway to Darkness 3/6: Pain (Ghost Rider II, Dr. Strange)
Stage fright (Rintrah)
Marvel Comics Presents 104   1992 Male Bonding 4/8: You know that we do it together (Wolverine, Nightcrawler)
Against a Rogue God 4/9: Mall massacre (Young Gods)
Doorway to Darkness 4/6: Into the realm of Gorn (Ghost Rider II, Dr. Strange)
Fight the right thing (U.S. Agent)
Marvel Comics Presents 105   1992 Male Bonding 5/8: Through thick and thin (Wolverine, Nightcrawler)
Against a Rogue God 5/9: Artifact of evil (Young Gods)
Doorway to Darkness 5/6: Gorn revealed (Ghost Rider II, Dr. Strange)
Crystal Quest (Thing)
Marvel Comics Presents 106   1992 Male Bonding 6/8: All out or all in (Wolverine, Nightcrawler)
Against a Rogue God 6/9: The temple of doom (Young Gods)
Doorway to Darkness 6/6: The final doorway (Ghost Rider II, Dr. Strange)
One nation under Hades (Gabriel)
Marvel Comics Presents 107   1992 Male Bonding 7/8: We'll muddle through whatever we do (Wolverine, Nightcrawler)
Against a Rogue God 7/9: Behold, Nauda (Young Gods)
Return of the Braineaters 1/6: Bad moon rising (Ghost Rider II, Werewolf)
Fuel for the fire (Red Wolf)
Marvel Comics Presents 108   1992 Male Bonding 8/8: Together forever... a pair (Wolverine, Nightcrawler)
Against a Rogue God 8/9: Nauda's tale (Young Gods)
Return of the Braineaters 2/6: Claw and bone (Ghost Rider II, Werewolf)
The Infinity War Crossover: Thanos 1/4: Into the abyss (Thanos)
Marvel Comics Presents 109   1992 Typhoid's Kiss 1/8: It's never over (Wolverine, Typhoid Mary)
Against a Rogue God 9/9: The final conflict (Young Gods)
Return of the Braineaters 3/6: Battle on the Brooklyn Bridge (Ghost Rider II, Werewolf)
The Infinity War Crossover: Thanos 2/4: Legion of the doomed (Thanos)
Marvel Comics Presents 110   1992 Typhoid's Kiss 2/8: A killer's rights (Wolverine, Typhoid Mary)
Night of the ripper (Nightcrawler)
Return of the Braineaters 4/6: Undercover at the Black Moon Bar & Grill (Ghost Rider II, Werewolf)
The Infinity War Crossover: Thanos 3/4: Death's dark domain (Thanos)
Marvel Comics Presents 111   1992 Typhoid's Kiss 3/8: Over-exposed (Wolverine, Typhoid Mary)
Menace of the Mad Abbot (Iron Fist)
Return of the Braineaters 5/6: Roadkill (Ghost Rider II, Werewolf)
The Infinity War Crossover: Thanos 4/4: Betrayal (Thanos)
Marvel Comics Presents 112   1992 Typhoid's Kiss 4/8: Push my buttons (Wolverine, Typhoid Mary)
Demogoblin's lament (Demogoblin)
Return of the Braineaters 6/6: Showdown (Ghost Rider II, Werewolf)
Picnic (Pip the Troll)
Marvel Comics Presents 113   1992 Typhoid's Kiss 5/8: Mindfield (Wolverine, Typhoid Mary)
Rest and Sweet Glory 1/6: The third life of Bill Foster (Giant-Man)
Legion of Vengeance 1/6: The night has a thousand eyes (Ghost Rider II, Iron Fist)
Mercy mission (Werewolf)
Marvel Comics Presents 114   1992 Typhoid's Kiss 6/8: Crisscross (Wolverine, Typhoid Mary)
Rest and Sweet Glory 2/6: The bootstrap model (Giant-Man)
Legion of Vengeance 2/6: If the mind's eye offends thee (Ghost Rider II, Iron Fist)
Bazaar tales (Arabian Knight)
Marvel Comics Presents 115   1992 Typhoid's Kiss 7/8: Pshychic surgery (Wolverine, Typhoid Mary)
Rest and Sweet Glory 3/6: The bigger they are, the harder they hit (Giant-Man)
Legion of Vengeance 3/6: The secret of Strontium-90 (Ghost Rider II, Iron Fist)
On the dark side of the street (Cloak, Dagger)
Marvel Comics Presents 116   1992 Typhoid's Kiss 8/8: Monsterpiece (Wolverine, Typhoid Mary)
Rest and Sweet Glory 4/6: Broken symmetry (Giant-Man)
Legion of Vengeance 4/6: Our name is Legion (Ghost Rider II, Iron Fist)
Just deserts (Two-Gun Kid)
Marvel Comics Presents 117   1992 Claws and Webs 1/6: Dream a little dream... of me (Wolverine, Venom)
Rest and Sweet Glory 5/6: Grand unification (Giant-Man)
Legion of Vengeance 5/6: A world of D'Kay (Ghost Rider II, Iron Fist)
This madness unleashed (Ravage 2099)
Marvel Comics Presents 118   1992 Claws and Webs 2/6: Dreams are made of this (Wolverine, Venom)
Rest and Sweet Glory 6/6: Complementary principle (Giant-Man)
Legion of Vengeance 6/6: Vengeance is ours (Ghost Rider II, Iron Fist)
Muses of fire (Doom 2099)
Marvel Comics Presents 119 January 1993 Claws and Webs 3/6: Dreams can't kill you... but they can sure try (Wolverine, Venom)
Doing the Toe Jam 1/2: Home is where the hitmen are (Constrictor)
And Let there be Light 1/4: The door (Ghost Rider II, Cloak, Dagger)
The exclusive (Neal, Wonder Man's Agent)
Marvel Comics Presents 120 January 1993 Claws and Webs 4/6: Dreaming with the enemy (Wolverine, Venom)
Doing the Toe Jam 2/2: The high road, the low road, the back roads (Constrictor)
And Let there be Light 2/4: In a dark place (Ghost Rider II, Cloak, Dagger)
Along came a child (Spider-Man)
Marvel Comics Presents 121 February 1993 Claws and Webs 5/6: Dream scars (Wolverine, Venom)
Of faith and fable (Mirage)
And Let there be Light 3/4: The bride of Grimbat (Ghost Rider II, Cloak, Dagger)
Civil disabilities (Andromeda)
Marvel Comics Presents 122 February 1993 Claws and Webs 6/6: Nightmare's end (Wolverine, Venom)
Seeds of winter (Knights of Pendragon)
And Let there be Light 4/4: The light within (Ghost Rider II, Cloak, Dagger)
Taped confessions (Speedball)
Marvel Comics Presents 123 March 1993 Passion Play 1/8: Clean slate (Wolverine, Lynx)
Adrenazon's Revenge 1/4: There's a new girl in town (She-Hulk)
Walking Wounded 1/8: Soulfeast (Ghost Rider II, Typhoid Mary)
The doomed man (Master Man)
Marvel Comics Presents 124 March 1993 Passion Play 2/8: Heat lightning (Wolverine, Lynx)
Adrenazon's Revenge 2/4: Deadly ringer (She-Hulk)
Walking Wounded 2/8: Trick the trigger (Ghost Rider II, Typhoid Mary)
Death flight (Solo)
Marvel Comics Presents 125 April 1993 Passion Play 3/8: A wing and a prayer (Wolverine, Lynx)
Adrenazon's Revenge 3/4: It's not easy being green (She-Hulk)
Walking Wounded 3/8: Innocent blood (Ghost Rider II, Typhoid Mary)
Book of Changes 1/8: Under lock and key (Iron Fist)
Marvel Comics Presents 126 April 1993 Passion Play 4/8: Widow's sting (Wolverine, Lynx)
Adrenazon's Revenge 4/4: To thine own self be true (She-Hulk)
Walking Wounded 4/8: Jerk the bait (Ghost Rider II, Typhoid Mary)
Book of Changes 2/8: A mystery wrapped in a puzzle inside an enigma (Iron Fist)
Marvel Comics Presents 127 May 1993 Passion Play 5/8: Brooklyn Bridge (Wolverine, Lynx)
The big time (Speedball)
Walking Wounded 5/8: Seal the deal (Ghost Rider II, Typhoid Mary)
Book of Changes 3/8: The superior man (Iron Fist)
Marvel Comics Presents 128 May 1993 Passion Play 6/8: Hearts o' fire (Wolverine, Lynx)
The hunter and the hunted (American Eagle)
Walking Wounded 6/8: Roll the bones (Ghost Rider II, Typhoid Mary)
Book of Changes 4/8: The evil eye (Iron Fist)
Marvel Comics Presents 129 June 1993 Passion Play 7/8: That's what they say (Wolverine, Lynx)
A time to die (Crossbones)
Walking Wounded 7/8: Peak the pathos (Ghost Rider II, Typhoid Mary)
Book of Changes 5/8: Friendship rears its ugly head (Iron Fist)
Marvel Comics Presents 130 June 1993 Passion Play 8/8: Missing Lynx (Wolverine, Lynx)
Screams (American Eagle)
Walking Wounded 8/8: Pay the maker (Ghost Rider II, Typhoid Mary)
Book of Changes 6/8: The meaning of life (Iron Fist)
Marvel Comics Presents 131 June 1993 These foolish things (Wolverine)
Late for supper (Ant-Man)
Heart and Soul 1/6: Passion crimes (Ghost Rider II, Cage)
Book of Changes 7/8: Yin and Yang (Iron Fist)
Marvel Comics Presents 132 July 1993 Brothers in Arms 1/5: Trouble in paradise (Wolverine)
Novel approach (Iron Man)
Heart and Soul 2/6: Love connection (Ghost Rider II, Cage)
Book of Changes 8/8: All debts forgotten, all sins forgiven (Iron Fist)
Marvel Comics Presents 133 Late July 1993 Brothers in Arms 2/5: Alone against the Coven (Wolverine)
Depths of Despair 1/4: Opening gambit (Iron Fist)
Heart and Soul 3/6: Emotional rescue (Ghost Rider II, Cage)
Nocturnal cravings (Cloak, Dagger)
Marvel Comics Presents 134 Early August 1993 Brothers in Arms 3/5: Chain reaction (Wolverine)
Depths of Despair 2/4: A fall from grace (Iron Fist)
Heart and Soul 4/6: Fuel for love (Ghost Rider II, Cage)
True love (Major Victory)
Marvel Comics Presents 135 Late August 1993 Brothers in Arms 4/5: Off the cuff (Wolverine)
Depths of Despair 3/4: Back and forward (Iron Fist)
Heart and Soul 5/6: Heartbreaking (Ghost Rider II, Cage)
Legacy (Black Widow)
Marvel Comics Presents 136 Early September 1993 Brothers in Arms 5/5: Cat's game (Wolverine)
Depths of Despair 4/4: Back to the beginning (Iron Fist)
Heart and Soul 6/6: Heartbeaten (Ghost Rider II, Cage)
The prisoner (Daredevil)
Marvel Comics Presents 137 Late September 1993 Rumble in the Jungle 1/6: Rumble in the jungle (Wolverine)
Giant trouble (Ant-Man)
Fellow Travellers 1/6: Rage of honor (Ghost Rider II)
The Highwayman comes riding (Iron Fist)
Marvel Comics Presents 138 Early October 1993 Rumble in the Jungle 2/6: Arena (Wolverine)
Spellbound 1/5: Zxaxz's escape (Spellbound)
Fellow Travellers 2/6: Lightning swords of death (Ghost Rider II)
Deathurge (Spider-Man)
Marvel Comics Presents 139 Mid October 1993 Rumble in the Jungle 3/6: Masque (Wolverine)
Spellbound 2/5: Earthbound (Spellbound)
Fellow Travellers 3/6: Fangs of fury (Ghost Rider II)
Feat first (Batroc)
Marvel Comics Presents 140 Late October 1993 Rumble in the Jungle 4/6: Bedlam (Wolverine)
Spellbound 3/5: Traitor (Spellbound)
Fellow Travellers 4/6: Throne of blood (Ghost Rider II)
End run (Iron Fist)
Marvel Comics Presents 141 Early November 1993 Rumble in the Jungle 5/6: Battleground (Wolverine)
Spellbound 4/5: Erica's return (Spellbound)
Fellow Travellers 5/6: Army of Darkness (Ghost Rider II)
House of Rave (Iron Fist)
Marvel Comics Presents 142 Late November 1993 Rumble in the Jungle 6/6: Afterburn (Wolverine)
Spellbound 5/5: Conclusion (Spellbound)
Fellow Travellers 6/6: Red dawn (Ghost Rider II)
Foreign soil (Foreigner)
Marvel Comics Presents 143 Early December 1993 Siege of Darkness 3/17: Treachery (Ghost Rider II)
Goblin Night 1/2: Little monsters (Werewolf)
Algorithm of Live 1/2: Digital terror (Scarlet Witch)
Out of time, in the Time Out Hotel (Devil Slayer)
Marvel Comics Presents 144 Late December 1993 Siege of Darkness 6a/17: Like family, like enemy (Morbius)
Siege of Darkness 6b/17: Treachery redeemed (Ghost Rider II)
Goblin Night 2/2: Stage fright (Werewolf)
Algorithm of Live 2/2: Techno phobia (Scarlet Witch)
Marvel Comics Presents 145 Early January 1994 Siege of Darkness 11a/17: Casualities of war (Morbius)
Siege of Darkness 11b/17: White letter (Darkhold)
Siege of Darkness 11c/17: Speakeasy (Ghost Rider II)
Siege of Darkness 11d/17: Dust (Nightstalkers)
Marvel Comics Presents 146 Late January 1994 Siege of Darkness 14a/17: Masks (Ghost Rider II)
Siege of Darkness 14b/17: Temptation (Devil Slayer)
Siege of Darkness 14c/17: Salome's dream (Darkhold)
Siege of Darkness 14d/17: Ashes (Nightstalkers)
Marvel Comics Presents 147 Early February 1994 Tower of Blood 1/2: Tower of blood (Vengeance)
Serpent's teeth (Master of Silence)
Legacy (Falcon)
Saints and sinners (American Eagle)
Marvel Comics Presents 148 Late February 1994 Tower of Blood 2/2: Vengeance forsaken (Vengeance)
Hearts and minds (Captain Universe)
Triumph of the hunter (Black Panther)
500 guns (American Eagle)
Marvel Comics Presents 149 Early March 1994 The price (Vengeance)
Beyond the call (Starjammers)
Till death us do part (Daughters of Dragon)
Diver down (Namor)
Marvel Comics Presents 150 Late March 1994 The Battle of the Sexes 1/2: Fractured fairy tales (Wolverine, Daredevil, Vengeance, Typhoid Mary)
Marvel Comics Presents 151 Early April 1994 The Battle of the Sexes 2/2: Quite contrary (Wolverine, Daredevil, Vengeance, Typhoid Mary)
Marvel Comics Presents 152 Late April 1994 Pure Sacrifice 1/4: A night to remember (Wolverine)
The Dying Game 1/4: Taking it to the street (War Machine)
Dangerous Games 1/4 (Vengeance)
Hung Jury 1/3 (Moon Knight)
Marvel Comics Presents 153 Early May 1994 Pure Sacrifice 2/4: Logan's run (Wolverine)
The Dying Game 2/4: Taking care of business (War Machine)
Dangerous Games 2/4: Urban safari (Vengeance)
Hung Jury 2/3 (Moon Knight)
Marvel Comics Presents 154 Late May 1994 Pure Sacrifice 3/4: Bungle in the jungle (Wolverine)
The Dying Game 3/4: Take a card, any card (War Machine)
Dangerous Games 3/4: Hunter's prey (Vengeance)
Hung Jury 3/3 (Moon Knight)
Marvel Comics Presents 155 Late May 1994 Dangerous Games 4/4: Targets (Vengeance)
New Warriors Solo 1/4: Matrix syndrome (Kymaera)
Pure Sacrifice 4/4: I put a spell on you (Wolverine)
The Dying Game 4/4: Take what you can get (War Machine)
Marvel Comics Presents 156 Early June 1994 Altered Spirits 1/4 (Vengeance)
The Gauntlet 1/3 (Shangi Chi)
New Warriors Solo 2/4: Baby talk (Kymaera)
Eins Nacht (Zerstörer)
Marvel Comics Presents 157 Late June 1994 Altered Spirits 2/4: Souls of suffering (Vengeance)
The Gauntlet 2/3 (Shangi Chi)
Jury of your peers (Nick Fury)
New Warriors Solo 3/4: Mother may I? (Kymarea)
Marvel Comics Presents 158 Early July 1994 Altered Spirits 3/4: Fire and blood (Vengeance)
The Gauntlet 3/3 (Shangi Chi)
Scare tactics (Clandestine)
New Warriors Solo 4/4: Reversal of fortune (Kymaera)
Marvel Comics Presents 159 Late July 1994 Rocky Reunion 1/3 (Hawkeye)
Duty and country (Nicholas Jospeh Fury)
Altered Spirits 4/4: True spirit (Vengeance)
Smells like Teen Spirit 1/5: History is what you make of it (New Warriors)
Marvel Comics Presents 160 Early August 1994 Origins 1/4 (Mace)
Rocky Reunion 2/3: Bellies full of fire (Hawkeye)
Diabolique 1/4: Kidstuff (Vengeance)
Smells like Teen Spirit 2/5: Memories aren't what they used to be (New Warriors)
Marvel Comics Presents 161 Late August 1994 Smells like Teen Spirit 3/5: Yesterday will be more fun than tomorrow was (New Warriors)
Rocky Reunion 3/3: The hungry wolf (Hawkeye)
Diabolique 2/4: What are little girls made of? (Vengeance)
Origins 2/4 (Mace)
Marvel Comics Presents 162 Early September 1994 Slave of Passion 1/4: Ensnared (Tigra)
Smells like Teen Spirit 4/5: If you can run out of time, can you walk out of the check? (New Warriors)
Diabolique 3/2: The sorceress's apprentice (Vengeance)
Origins 3/4 (Mace)
Marvel Comics Presents 163 Late September 1994 Smells like Teen Spirit 5/5: Time wounds all heals (New Warriors)
Slave of Passion 2/4: Enraged (Tigra)
Diabolique 4/4: The test (Vengeance)
Origins 4/4 (Mace)
Marvel Comics Presents 164 Early October 1994 Behold the Man-Thing 1/4 (Man-Thing)
Rabbit Stu (Thing)
Once and Future Spirits 1/3 (Vengeance)
Slave of Passion 3/4: Enjoined (Tigra)
Marvel Comics Presents 165 Mid October 1994 Once and Future Spirits 2/3: Power play (Vengeance)
Slave of Passion 4/4: Ensnared (Tigra)
Behold the Man-Thing 2/4 (Man-Thing)
Confrontation (Mr. Fantastic)
Marvel Comics Presents 166 Late October 1994 Once and Future Spirits 3/3: Tempered steel (Vengeance)
Cutting Class 1/2 (Turbo)
Behold the Man-Thing 3/4 (Man-Thing)
The Great American Mall Shoot-Out 1/3 (Spider-Woman II)
Marvel Comics Presents 167 Early November 1994 Behold the Man-Thing 4/4 (Man-Thing)
The Great American Mall Shoot-Out 2/3 (Spider-Woman II)
Old-Time Religion 1/3 (Vengeance)
Cutting Class 2/2 (Turbo)
Marvel Comics Presents 168 Late November 1994 Old-Time Religion 2/3: Ghost vs. the machine (Vengeance)
Freedom (Valkyrie)
History lesson (Black Bolt)
The Great American Mall Shoot-Out 3/3: Sweet revenge (Spider-Woman II)
Marvel Comics Presents 169 Early December 1994 In the Hands of the Mandarin 1/2: The past is prologue (Force Works)
- (Century)
Old-Time Religion 3/3: Fallen idols (Vengeance)
Rock'em sock'em robots (It, the living Colossus)
Marvel Comics Presents 170 Late December 1994 In the Hands of the Mandarin 2/2: Inner demons (Force Works)
- (Force Works, Suzi)
Shrinking to nothing 1/2 (Dr. Leonard Samson, Vengeance)
- (Red Wolf III)
Marvel Comics Presents 171 Early January 1995 P.O.V. (Century, War Machine)
P.O.V. (Force Workds, Recorder)
Shrinking to nothing 2/2: Identity crisis (Dr. Leonard Samson, Vengeance)
Codename: Wolfen (Nicholas Joseph Fury)
Marvel Comics Presents 172 Late January 1995 - (U.S. Agent)
- (Scarlet Witch)
Pain and penalties (Lunatik)
I found my heart in San Francisco (Vengeance)
Marvel Comics Presents 173 Early February 1995 The Devil to pay (Lunatik, Silver Surfer)
Test run (Nicholas Jospeh Fury)
Diabolical designs (Vengeance)
Repercussions (Lava Men, Stingray)
Marvel Comics Presents 174 Late February 1995 Gone wild (Vengeance)
Cross time critters (Devil Dinosaur, Excalibur, Moon-Boy, Technet; this story takes place just before Excalibur (I) #42)
Damages (Lunatik, Silver Surfer)
Breakthrough (Nicholas Joseph Fury)
Marvel Comics Presents 175 Early March 1995 - (New Genix)
Final gambit (Vengeance)
- (Steel Raven)
Punishment (Lunatik, Silver Surfer)