Disney-Pixar/Muppets Presents: Family Reunion (I) (1) (2011)
Series No. Date Year Title
Disney-Pixar/Muppets Presents: Family Reunion 5 November 2011 Family Reunion (Reprint from The Muppet Show #4 by Boom! Studios)
The Bard and the Bald (Sam the Eagle, Mister Clacky; Reprint from The Muppet Show #4 by Boom! Studios)
Muppet Labs -Where the Future is being made today! (Reprint from The Muppet Show #4 by Boom! Studios)
And now… presenting Anson Anderson the Anvil-Juggling Anteater from Antwerp! (Reprint from The Muppet Show #4 by Boom! Studios)
And now it’s time for… Pigs innnn Spaaace (Reprint from The Muppet Show #4 by Boom! Studios)
Gonzo the Great getting shot out of a really big cannon into a vat of Tapioca (Reprint from The Muppet Show #4 by Boom! Studios)
Family Reunion (Reprint from The Muppet Show #5 by Boom! Studios)
The Girl with the Goo_Goo Eyes (Reprint from The Muppet Show #5 by Boom! Studios)
The Swedish chef makes spinach delight (Reprint from The Muppet Show #5 by Boom! Studios)
Koozebane: Planet of Hope (Reprint from The Muppet Show #5 by Boom! Studios)

And now… Veterinarian’s Hospital –The continuing story of a Quack who’s gone to the dogs

 (Reprint from The Muppet Show #5 by Boom! Studios)
The Oddjob Boys (Reprint from The Muppet Show #5 by Boom! Studios)
Piiiigs inn spaaaace! (Reprint from The Muppet Show #5 by Boom! Studios)
Pigmalion (Reprint from The Muppet Show #5 by Boom! Studios)
Family Reunion (Reprint from The Muppet Show #6 by Boom! Studios)
Walk like a chicken (Gonzo; Reprint from The Muppet Show #6 by Boom! Studios)
The frog Scouts present an all-mime production of Death of a Salesman (Reprint from The Muppet Show #6 by Boom! Studios)
Mighty like a rose (Wayne, Wanda; Reprint from The Muppet Show #6 by Boom! Studios)
Pigs iinnnnnn space (Reprint from The Muppet Show #6 by Boom! Studios)
Dr Teeth and the Electric Dustbin (Reprint from The Muppet Show #6 by Boom! Studios)
Family Reunion (Reprint from The Muppet Show #7 by Boom! Studios)
Wormwood in Bohemia –A Wormwood Soames Adventure (Fozzie Bear; Reprint from The Muppet Show #7 by Boom! Studios)
And now… A poem by Rowlf (Reprint from The Muppet Show #7 by Boom! Studios)
Piiiigs innnnn Spaaace (Reprint from The Muppet Show #7 by Boom! Studios)
Sweet, sweet music (Fozzie Bear; Reprint from The Muppet Show #7 by Boom! Studios)
The adventures of Baron Munchfozzen! (Reprint from The Muppet Show #7 by Boom! Studios)