The Champions (I) (1-17) (1975-1978)
Series No. Date Year Title
The Champions 1 October 1975 The world still needs... the Champions!
The Champions 2 January 1976 Whom the gods would join...
The Champions 3 February 1976 Assault on Olympus
The Champions 4 March 1976 Murder at Malibu!
The Champions 5 April 1976 The economy is so bad that...
The Champions 6 June 1976 Mad dogs and businessmen
The Champions 7 August 1976 The man who created the Black Widow
The Champions 8 October 1976 Divide and conquer!
The Champions 9 December 1976 The battle of Los Angeles!
The Champions 10 January 1977 One man's son is another man's poison!
The Champions 11 February 1977 The shadow from the stars
The Champions 12 March 1977 Did someone say... the Stranger?
The Champions 13 May 1977 The doom that went on forever!
The Champions 14 July 1977 The creature called... Swarm!
The Champions 15 September 1977 Death drone!
The Champions 16 November 1977 A world lost!
The Champions 17 January 1978 --Cause the Sentinels hunt again!