Book of the Dead (I) (1-4) (1993-1994)
Series No. Date Year Title
Book of the Dead 1 December 1993 Marry Shelley's Frankenstein! (Frankenstein's Monster; Reprint from Frankenstein #1)
...Man Thing! (Man-Thing!; Reprint from Savage Tales #1)
Gargoyle every night (Reprint from Chamber of Darkness #7)
Book of the Dead 2 January 1994 Man-Thing! (Man-Thing; Reprint from Fear #10)
The warning! (Reprint from Uncanny Tales (I) #54)
Bride of the monster! (Frankenstein's Monster, Reprint from Frankenstein #2)
The evil eye (Reprint from Astonishing Tales #33)
Book of the Dead 3 February 1994 The monster's revenge! (Frankenstein's Monster, Reprint from Frankenstein #3)
The walking dead! (Reprint from Astonishing Tales #10)
No choice of colors! (Man-Thing, Reprint from Fear #12)
Book of the Dead 4 March 1994 Dance to the murder (Man-Thing, Reprint from Man-Thing (I) #11)
The Effigy! (Reprint from)
Death of the monster! (Frankenstein's Monster, Reprint from Frankenstein #4)