Axis: Revolutions (I) (1-4) (2014-2015)
Series No. Date Year Title
Axis: Revolutions 1 December 2014 Axis Tie-in: With great hate (Spider-Man)
Axis Tie-in: Hoary hosts of hate (Dr. Strange)
Axis: Revolutions 2 January 2015 Axis Tie-in: Ain't the man I used to be (Nightcrawler, Sabretooth)
Axis Tie-in: Hammered (Thor Odinson)
Axis: Revolutions 3 February 2015 Axis Tie-in: Nice shot
Axis Tie-in: Castles in the sand
Axis: Revolutions 4 February 2015 Axis Tie-in: Man of ice
Axis Tie-in: Least resistance